#241: An Accurate Representation

May 23, 2015


Adam and Dr. Drew open the show talking about hegemony and how it can be viewed similarly in very different applications. Adam also talks about his frustration with the overwhelming feeling, especially in California, that every group of people needs to be an accurate racial representation of the community which it resides within. They then turn to the phones and talk to someone about when it’s time to cut off a drug addicted loved one and how to move on after being cheated on by a long term girlfriend. Superfan Sidebar >>

4 thoughts on “#241: An Accurate Representation

  1. David Welge

    Hello gentlemen! I don’t know if you ever actually read these comments, but here is a great website that lets you look up government spending figures. For this link, I chose to look up California’s state and local per person spending figures adjusted for inflation 1995-2015. Basically, these numbers are what your government spends per resident, adjusted for inflation + population growth.


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